The Church of the Divine Love


Copyright © Church of Divine Love. All rights reserved. 

The Episcopal Church of the Divine Love has the following staff and leaders

Priest-in-Charge:  Fr. Jean Lenord Quatorze

Wardens:  Anthony Giordano and Jess Berbeck

Clerk of the Vestry:  Dana Kenn Diemont

Co-Treasurers:  Andrew Prosser and John Nolan   
Director of Sunset Nursery School:  Melissa Wassil 

Liason to Sunset Nursery School:  Erika Febres

Buildings and Grounds:  Andrew Prosser

Web Administrator:  Dana Kenn Diemont

Vestry Members:

Dana Kenn Diemont

Erika Febres

Andrew Prosser

Parish Administrator:  Maria Ferretti  (