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We can accept your alter guild donations here

Altar Guild

The Church of the Divine Love

The Episcopal Church of the Divine Love, dating from 1879, is fortunate in having an extremely good Altar Guild. We are a small church, yet we have managed to form four Altar Guild teams of two members each. They are a completely dedicated group and our altar is ready at all times to be used for the worship of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.

Christmas and Holy Week and Easter are of course extra busy times. There are palms to be made ready, silver and brass to polish, flowers to be tended, and week in and week out, linens to be carefully washed and ironed. It’s a labor of love, and it is done gladly as we work together.

For flower donations in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one please click on the link below.

If you would like to join the Alter Guild please contact one of our Alter Guild members or the Church Office at (914) 737 1082