
Children's Sunday School

Sunday School at The Church of the Divine Love

Our Sunday School program is designed for children in pre-school thru middle school. We use a wonderful program called Deep Blue Kids. The program includes a DVD where the children get to watch a clip every Sunday and then partake in activities, and crafts based on that weeks lesson. 

Each age group has it’s own work books that are age appropriate. The children begin Sunday School at 10:00am, fifteen minutes prior to the start of our family church service. The teachers work with the children for just over an hour and then they all proceed to the church with their families to partake in Holy communion. Every year at Christmas the Sunday School puts on a lovely Pageant for the entire congregation. This is a wonderful way for the children to learn the Christmas story and get to share it with their families. 

There is no Sunday School on weekends of school vacations or major holiday’s. For more information or to enroll your child in Sunday School please contact our Parish Secretary in our church office at 914-737-1082 or

Altar Guild

The Episcopal Church of the Divine Love, dating from 1879, is fortunate in having an extremely good Altar Guild. We are a small church, yet we have managed to form four Altar Guild teams of two members each. They are a completely dedicated group and our altar is ready at all times to be used for the worship of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.

Christmas and Holy Week and Easter are of course extra busy times. There are palms to be made ready, silver and brass to polish, flowers to be tended, and week in and week out, linens to be carefully washed and ironed. It’s a labor of love, and it is done gladly as we work together.

For flower donations in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one please click on the link below.

If you would like to join the Alter Guild please contact one of our Alter Guild members or the Church Office eMail:

Carriage House Thrift Shop

The Episcopal Church of The Divine Love has many traditions, and one that is very much appreciated at Divine Love is our Thrift Shop. Our Shop came into being over 50 years ago when money was a real concern. It was started by The Women’s Group and was a success from the beginning. Dedicated, extremely hard working women loved the Shop, and to them, our Church owes a great debt. Our shop is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm from September-June and 10 am to 1 pm during July and August.

The Shop contributes significantly to the Church budget every year, and more importantly, benefits the surrounding community as a source of very inexpensive clothing and just about anything else you might need. The Shop offers its volunteers the satisfaction giving back, of a job well done, and some laughs along the way. Thankfully, God continues to provide us with willing helpers.

Donations are accepted during business hours, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm (10 am- 1 pm during July and August.) Please no bedding or books.

We have active lay participation in worship services, as well as in the many and various other ministries of our parish life.  We have enjoyed many opportunities for worship, study, fellowship and service over the years including:  adult and children’s bible studies, Altar Guild, Children’s Chapel with Sunday school, Young People’s Fellowship, Vestry, special committees, a men’s and women’s retreat, a very well attended and growing week-day Christian Nursery School, a special prayer shawl ministry we call “Tabitha’s Circle”, healing prayer education and ministry, Midnight Run, pot lucks, the annual picnic, visitation of shut-ins, on-line web site, prayer chains, special events hosting neighboring churches, a prosperous vegetable garden that donated fresh produce to the local soup kitchens, and the ECW, which runs the very successful Carriage House Thrift Shop offering low cost clothing, household goods and toys to the community.
We have hosted many programs for the community and for parishioners including: ALPHA, Vacation Bible School, World Day of Prayer, Beth Moore Studies, Gospel Transformation, Serendipity Bible Studies, Advent Teas, annual holiday thrift shop sales and the famous Thrift Shop Fashion Shows.  The children create a traditional, not-to-be-missed, Christmas pageant each year that is presented in Church with favorite carols.  And there is also a “Teddy-Bear” Christmas service for the younger crowd, in which they bring their favorite doll or stuffed animal to be part of the birthday blessing of the Baby Jesus.  

Sunset Nursery School

Sunset Nursery School is unique among the local preschools. Sunset’s teaching team is committed to supporting and promoting the students’ Christian growth as well as their academic and social growth. Its mission is to provide enriching educational opportunities in a safe, nurturing and faith-centered environment. A strong emphasis is placed on supporting each child's God-given talents and individual needs while preparing them for their educational journey.

The school has over 65 students enrolled in 8 classes. There are 11 staff members including the director of the school, Melissa Wassil. Every teacher at Sunset has either a degree in early childhood education or is certified in the early childhood field and keeps their certifications up to date. Class sizes are kept small for optimal student to teacher ratios.  We are known for our commitment to including children with special needs, and advocating to find appropriate services for those children who need them. 

Sunset believes firmly that children learn through play. There are six learning centers: art and writing, blocks, dramatic play, literacy, science and math, and the mini gym. "Play with a purpose" is the goal of these highly interactive centers, which play a large role in developing a child's social and emotional skills. 

Sunset is an academically strong school that supports the preschool Common Core program in a child-friendly manner. It is the school’s goal to develop problem solving and conflict resolution skills while facilitating the development of cognitive skills in reading and math readiness. Additionally, children enjoy art, music, dance, Spanish, sign language, cooking and science.

Sunset provides an environment that will help nurture and develop the children's spiritual foundation enabling them to know and share God's love. Students learn the Lord's Prayer, offer thanks to God before meals and listen to age appropriate Bible stories. Sunset Nursery School is a highly successful ministry of Divine Love both financially and as an outreach to the community.

Tabitha's Circle Prayer Shawl Ministry

The power of the Holy Spirit comforts and brings us together. Be witness to this miracle by joining Tabitha's Circle. We knit, crochet, and sew prayer shawls by hand. These handmade gifts are given to members of our community and parish to spread the power and comfort of the Lord whether they are someone in sickness, trouble, pain, or just in need of some extra love. At the same time those who are a part of our group experience the mystery of faith in a new way. 

Meetings are held in the parish hall every Friday starting at 6:30pm. We welcome people of all skill levels, denominations, and ages over seven years old. To learn more please visit us on Facebook or contact Rachael Kikoler:

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The Church of the Divine Love